Dear Sangha Friends:
We are wishing you all a gentle and meaningful end to 2023. And, we would love for you to join us for one or both of these New Year's events to close out this year.
We will be hosting our annual meditation and fire ceremony on December 31st at 5:00 at the Sanga House. Please join us for this fun event. Please see the flyer below.

Being A Refuge for the World
The Generosity of Non-Harming and Anukampa (Compassionate Care)
December 31, 2023 – January 1, 2024
Online (Zoom)
Teacher: Susie Harrington and Denise Ackert (assistant)
As we enter the New Year, what are gifts of participation and healing that we can offer to the world and ourselves? The Buddha said to “Care for ourselves, care for the other, and care for the whole world.” The foundational Buddhist precept of non-harming takes on increasingly potent meaning as we navigate the challenges of aggression and dysfunction internally and externally. Recognizing our interconnectedness, and as an offering of our sincere care (anukampa) for the world, we practice together to cultivate recognition of our essential beauty and harmony.
During this silent retreat, there will be sitting and walking meditation, meditation instructions and dharma talks. This retreat is open to all – those with experience and those new to practice.
This retreat is begins Sunday, Dec 31st 2023, 9:00am (MST) and will end at 3:00 (MST) on Monday, Jan 1st, 2024.
There will be the opportunity to do an intensive retreat or to customize the retreat for your personal situation and availability. See info. below.
The online retreat is structured so that you may attend both events and so that you can pick what you attend based on your needs. To attend both events, skip the 4:30pm retreat sit and head over to the Sangha House for the 5pm meditation and the following fire ceremony. The next sit of the retreat is at 6:30pm, but you can return to the retreat at your convenience.
We send to you and all beings everywhere our wishes for a safe, happy, joyful, peaceful and healthy New Year!
With deep gratitude,
Your SIMC board