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Early May News Flash!

May Meditation Month

Join us for May Meditation Mornings

This will be an Open Sitting and Walking Practice

Monday-Friday, 6-7:30am

Come to sit and walk for a few minutes or for the whole time.

We hope to see you there!

Meet at the Sangha House with Denise and Janie

248 D Street

For questions, please email us at:

New Thursday Meditation

Beginning May 2nd we will be having a weekly meditation at Noon on Thursdays. It will be a very simple format with someone to ring the bell at the beginning and end of a half hour sit without any discussion time. If you are interested in being a bell ringer please reply to this email. We look forward to having you join us!

Half-Day Retreat - Abiding in Appreciative Joy

May 04, 2024 09:00am - 12:30pm MT

This will be in person at 248 D Street, Salida, CO

In this Half-Day Retreat with Denise Ackert, we will deepen our practice of abiding, restfully, in Appreciative Joy. This retreat includes a dharma talk, sitting and walking meditation, and a Q & A period. This course is offered on Dana.

With joyful wishes to all,

Your SIMC Board; Carla, Denise, Kym, Paul, Roberta


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